Vishakh Abhayan

About Me

I’m a Full Stack Developer with a passion for creating innovative web applications. I have a deep understanding of the full web development life cycle, from concept and design to coding, testing, and deployment. I am proficient in Javascript, Python and a variety of frameworks, such as Django, Express and React. I have experience working with databases such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB

My Projects

Name Description Hosted Link Repo Link
ToeTally A clasic tic-tac-toe Game toetally github repo link
BirthYay Create personalized birthday cards and share them with your loved ones birthyay github repo link

Portfolio Highlights

Leadership and Influence:


Career Plan:

Thoughts on Kerala’s Tech Ecosystem:

History of Open Source Contributions:

History of Community Engagement:

Highly Visible Technical Content:

Highly Used Software Tools:

Competitive Website Profiles: